Spassky Wanted to Play Fischer Again

Fischer, Karpov and Kortschnoi

four/29/2021 – If Bobby Fischer had not retired after becoming Globe Champion in 1972 we would have seen a decade dominated by Fischer, Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Kortschnoi. What would accept happened, if there had been a match Fischer - Karpov or Fischer - Kortschnoi? And why did Fischer not play against Karpov in 1975? And how would Fischer's decision have turned out if the challenger had not been Karpov, simply Kortschnoi? Some thoughts by Stephan Oliver Platz.

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Of all the matches that were never played, Fischer - Karpov or Fischer - Kortschnoi might accept been the virtually interesting. What would take happened if Bobby Fischer had not retired after his victory against Spassky in 1972? In this article I would like to deal with this question and its psychological groundwork.

Bobby Fischer quits

Unfortunately, Bobby Fischer (1943 - 2008) did not play any match or tournament for 20 years after he had won the Earth Chess Championship Friction match against Boris Spassky in Reykjavik in 1972. It was not until 1992 that he played a rematch against Spassky and won 10-5 with 15 draws. However, no further tournaments or matches followed afterward that. In 2008, ii months before his 65th altogether, Fischer died in his Icelandic exile. What bear on did his retirement accept on top chess?

If Fischer had continued to play, there would have been a World Championship Match against Anatoly Karpov in 1975 and maybe even a World Title Match against Viktor Kortschnoi in 1978. Both matches would undoubtedly have been very interesting for the chess world and probably very exciting and thrilling. Merely since 1974, Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Kortschnoi practically fought out the Earth Championship title between themselves in three matches, earlier a new contender for the title emerged in 1984 with the 21-year-sometime Garry Kasparov.

Why did Bobby Fischer retire so suddenly? If we want to get to the bottom of the likely reasons, we first take to get dorsum to the year 1972.

Why Spassky lost in 1972

In that location has been much speculation about this question. Boris Spassky was born in 1937 and had become the Earth Chess Champion in 1969 by beating his predecessor Tigran Petrosian. Earlier the match in Reykjavik in 1972 started Bobby had never won against Spassky. The tape was 3-0 with two draws in favour of the Russian. In the first match game, Bobby Fischer unnecessarily allowed a bishop to exist trapped and lost the resulting endgame. That made it i-0 for Spassky in the Earth Championship Match and 4-0 in the personal record between these ii top players.

Then the 2nd friction match game had to exist played. Subsequently arguments over the television cameras that were supposed to broadcast the lucifer, the eccentric American did not plough up for the game and Spassky took a ii-0 lead. But with extreme difficulty Fischer could be persuaded to play the third game. He insisted, however, that the game would not exist played in the designated playing hall, but in a table tennis room without any spectators. Spassky was kind and agreed. But that was still non enough for Fischer. As he over again felt disturbed past the camera that was supposed to broadcast the game for the spectators, he refused to play again. This led to a loud argument between Fischer and the referee Lothar Schmid, which completely upset Spassky. He got upward to leave the room, but Schmid strongly urged him to stay. The referee described what happened side by side equally follows: "I took them both and pressed them past the shoulders downwardly into their chairs and I said: ‚Play chess at present!' And nigh automatically, Spassky made the first move, 1.d4, the same he had played in game 1." This was the first of Spassky's downfall. For the first time in his life Spassky, worn down by the tiring arguments, lost a game to Bobby Fischer and was completely thrown off balance until the 10th game: 0-v with 3 draws was the disastrous issue of these eight games.

Spassky-Fischer, 1972

But in reality in that location was much more than weighing on Spassky. The Russians had wanted him to abandon the match instead of continuing under such conditions. In this way, he also got into problem with his own delegation.

It took Spassky a long time to recover from the psychological blow. By the commencement of the eleventh circular he had overcome his trauma and managed to keep the lucifer even in games xi-20 (1-ane with 8 draws). Then Fischer won the 21st game subsequently 41 moves and the final score was 12.5-8.v in his favour. If we disregard Fischer's loss by forfeit in the 2nd game and the traumatic match phase for Spassky from the tertiary to the tenth game, we find a balanced operation (2-2 with 10 draws). I therefore practice not take it for granted that in 1972 Spassky was really a less ingenious chess player than Fischer. If things had gone unremarkably, without the stressful arguments nearly Television set cameras, the playing hall and the spectators, we might take seen a highly exciting and very balanced match. Spassky's decisive fault was to oppose the advice of the Soviet delegation and agree to play the 3rd game in a ping-pong room under the circumstances described higher up. Thus he not only had to bow to the will of his opponent and give in to the force per unit area from the referee, just was likewise subjected to the wrath of the Soviet chess federation. All this led to the psychological breakdown that could be clearly seen in games iii - 10. But Spassky was (and is) a skilful sportsman and a gentleman. He wanted to play against Fischer, and that's what he did. Nobody knows how the final issue would accept turned out if these disturbing interferences had not existed. Spassky later said that Fischer would take won anyhow. On the other mitt in 1972 he must have been convinced that he could successfully compete with Fischer. Otherwise he certainly wouldn't take continued the match nether those difficult weather.

Spassky really should not accept played on

Knowing today the touch on Bobby Fischer's World Championship win had on himself and the chess world, one might wish that on July, 16th, 1972 Spassky had actually left the ping-pong room and packed his bags for the flight home to Russian federation. That fashion, very likely Bobby Fischer would have remained an agile chess player. He might not have got another World Championship Match, simply he could accept connected to play in high-level tournaments. Thus, in the following years, he could take played non only against Karpov, just also against Garry Kasparov, which would undoubtedly accept been a cracking blessing for the chess world. Standing his chess career might also have had a very positive effect on Bobby Fischer's own life and fate.

Finally, I would like to talk nearly Lothar Schmid's role as referee of the 1972 World Chess Championship. We accept to admit that he wanted to relieve the match, simply all the same I would similar to say clearly that in my opinion he made a mistake on July 16th, 1972. The 3rd match game took place nether weather condition that were quite unacceptable for Boris Spassky. If a player does non agree to play in the designated playing hall, fifty-fifty after concessions had been made with regard to the cameras and they were demonstrably no longer aural where Spassky and Fischer had to play, the referee should have butterfingers Fischer and stopped the match. Many chess fans won't like this, but let's imagine that at a world athletics championship one of the finalists insisted that he would not run the 5000 metres in the stadium, but only on the sports field of a nearby primary schoolhouse, without any spectators or Tv cameras. Such a participant would very quickly be replaced by another one, and rightly so! The least Lothar Schmid should take done would have been to curb the match for a couple of days until an acceptable organisation was achieved. (a)

Why did Fischer non play against Karpov in 1975?

From a psychological betoken of view, Bobby Fischer had naught to gain subsequently becoming World Champion in 1972, but everything to lose. With the World Championship title, what he had been convinced of since 1963 had come true, namely that he and no one else was the best chess actor in the world. When it came to defending his title in 1975, Bobby might have suffered the greatest possible catastrophe, namely defeat in the upcoming World Championship Lucifer. His status of the world's best chess histrion would have been destroyed in an instant and his ego might have been severely damaged. The German grandmaster Dr. Helmut Pfleger, a well known doc and psychotherapist, described Fischer's mental state since 1972 as follows:

His paranoia must accept grown considerably (...) In the past, Fischer only had in heed to beat his opponents; since 1972 he has been fleeing from them. All the stories and rumours about what he has been up to in these xx years [1972 - 1992] come down to i matter: he is always on the run (...) Chess is everything to him, and in this domain he can no longer achieve anything. Instead, his latent instability has broken through and most flooded him with fear. (b)

Besides Fischer hadn't played a unmarried tournament or match game for iii years. And so he will have considered what his chances were in a World Championship Match confronting his challenger Anatoly Karpov, and that might have made him fear the worst. Why?

Karpov was born in 1951. In Petrograd  in 1973, aged only 21, he had won the interzonal tournament tied with Viktor Kortschnoi, and accomplished an outstanding result of 79.4 % (13.5 out of 17). In the candidates' quarter-final he trounce grandmaster Lev Polugaevsky iii-0 with five draws. At the 1974 Chess Olympiad in Nice, Karpov already played on board 1 for the Soviet Union and achieved a sensational event of ten-0 with 4 draws. So Karpov won the candidates' semi-concluding against Boris Spassky conspicuously (without any psychological gimmicks) with 4-1 and half-dozen draws. In the final against Viktor Kortschnoi, things also went wonderfully at first: After 18 games Karpov was already leading 3-0. In the concluding stage, however, he got into problem, lost two more games and in the end just managed to secure a narrow 3-ii victory by drawing the concluding three games.

Karpov-Kortschnoi, Tilburg 1986 | Photograph: Dutch National Archive

Karpov'southward only weakness: his stamina

Nosotros can assume that Fischer, although he had retired from competitive chess, nevertheless followed Karpov's career closely. He thus noticed that Karpov had won 52 of a total of 131 tournament and lucifer games in 1973 and 1974, and had lost just 4 of them. The 24-year-old Russian thus posed a serious threat to Fischer's Earth Championship title. He certainly also studied Karpov's games in item and realised that this challenger would probably be difficult to deal with. Besides Karpov was supported past an first-class team of Soviet chess experts. But it is very likely that Bobby Fischer detected one weak signal, because two of those four defeats came after Karpov had played 18 exhausting friction match games against Kortschnoi and was obviously struggling with stamina problems. Then, in social club to beat Karpov for sure, he absolutely had to prolong a World Championship Friction match confronting him. The longer it lasted, the greater the chance of winning it.

In this context it of a sudden becomes clear why Fischer insisted that the 1975 Earth Championship Match should be scheduled for 10 wins. Draws should not be counted. He could thus hope that such a match would last long enough to tire Karpov. Simply when he and so also demanded that he should retain the title in case of a 9-9 without having to play for a 10th win, Karpov and the Soviets rejected such demands showing that they had learned from the debacle of 1972. The World Chess Federation was too no longer willing to accept Fischer's conditions. The match was cancelled and Karpov became the new World Champion.

Fischer might have played confronting Kortschnoi

Viktor Kortschnoi was born in 1931 and thus xx years older than Anatoly Karpov. He had already belonged to the absolute peak of the world for a long time. In the 1973 Leningrad interzonal tournament he scored as many points equally Karpov and drew against him. In the candidates' quarter-concluding, he defeated the Brazilian grandmaster Henrique Mecking iii-ane with 9 draws, and in the semi-final he defeated sometime World Champion Tigran Petrosian iii-one with ane depict. At the 1974 Chess Olympiad in Dainty Kortschnoi played on board 2 and achieved a result of 8-0 with 7 draws. (c) So he didn't do quite as well as Karpov, but at to the lowest degree he did almost likewise equally Karpov, confronting whom, as already mentioned, he lost the candidates' last over 24 games with two-3 and xix draws. However, if you lot look at Kortschnoi'southward overall record in 1973 and 1974, y'all'll find a clear difference. In the ChessBase Mega Database I found a full of 117 tournament and match games from these ii years, of which Kortschnoi won 40 but lost 18. In dissimilarity, Karpov's record was 52 wins with only 4 losses!

Therefore Fischer could clearly run across that a challenger Kortschnoi would be relatively easier to beat. As well, he might have realised that the longer a match lasted, the stronger Kortschnoi played. So we can assume that if Kortschnoi had been his challenger in 1975, Fischer would probably not have insisted on ten wins, simply would take agreed to a shorter lucifer format.

Another reason for my assumption that Fischer would have been much more likely to get involved in a World Championship Match confronting Viktor Kortschnoi is that he knew him from previous encounters. From 1960 to 1970 they played a total of viii tournament games against each other, of which each won two, while 4 ended in draws. In addition, Kortschnoi and Fischer played each other twice in a blitz tournament in Herceg Novi in 1970. Kortschnoi won the commencement blitz game, only lost the 2d. Fischer, however, had never played a single game confronting Karpov, and so this opponent would take been much more hard for him to predict.

Two games Fischer - Kortschnoi

Let's have a look at the two most interesting games between Fischer and Kortschnoi:

My prediction: A close fight with slight advantages for Fischer

When y'all look deeper into the x Kortschnoi-Fischer games, you notice that Kortschnoi had a slight initiative, although the final consequence was even. But let's non forget that Fischer was merely 17 at the time of their first game and just 19 during the five games played in 1962. This undoubtedly meant an advantage for Viktor Kortschnoi, who was twelve years older, as he had considerably more experience than his youthful opponent. If Kortschnoi and Fischer had met in a World Championship Friction match in 1975 or 1978, this would take been reversed, because in that case a 32- or 35-year-quondam Fischer would have faced a 44- or 47-yr-old challenger, which would near certainly take favoured the younger Fischer.

So if a World Title Match Fischer - Kortschnoi had actually taken place in 1975 or 1978, I believe that regardless of the length of the match, a very heady and shut race could accept been expected. The decisive question in this context would be how Fischer would accept coped with the several-year absence from tournament play. Only even if Kortschnoi had taken a two-signal atomic number 82 at the beginning of such a match, I think Fischer would have had a very good take chances of winning in the end. However, if Kortschnoi had succeeded in hit Fischer badly in the "warm-up phase" (3 or more points alee), Kortschnoi might even have become the new Globe Champion.

Karpov would have had a more difficult job

I see the state of affairs differently in a World Title Match Fischer - Karpov, if 10 wins had been required. Despite his enormous playing strength, I don't think Karpov would have been capable to bargain with a long lasting match against Fischer over 30 or more than games. Both in the candidates' final against Kortschnoi in 1974 and in the Globe Championship Lucifer in 1978, and even in his outset match against Kasparov in 1984/85, Karpov had serious bug as soon equally the match started to drag on.

Fischer - Karpov

Unfortunately I cannot bear witness yous whatsoever authentic games on the subject, but at to the lowest degree I'll requite you a modest foretaste of what might have happened in a Fischer - Karpov match. A few years ago I had the funny idea of running a computer simulation of the 1975 World Championship Match by using the Fischer and Karpov personalities of Ed Schroeder's chess engine Rebel 13. This experiment resulted in a in a clear 10-four victory for Fischer if ten wins had been required and a closer half dozen-four victory for Bobby Fischer if they had played for simply half-dozen wins. Of grade, this experiment should not be taken too seriously, but at to the lowest degree some nice games were produced. Allow'due south take a look at two of them:

Amazingly, afterward its 4th win the Karpov personality of Rebel 13 didn't win a single game. However, this might indeed have happened in an actual Earth Title Match Karpov – Fischer. (Or maybe not, who knows?) Once the Bobby Fischer express has really got going after a three-year break, it's difficult to stop it! That actually sounds quite plausible. (d)

In my opinion Karpov would have had improve chances confronting Fischer at a World Title Match in 1981. At that time Karpov was 30 years onetime, while Fischer was already 38. In 1981 Karpov defeated the l-year-one-time Kortschnoi for the get-go fourth dimension decisively by half dozen-two with 10 draws, while he had won the other two matches in 1974 and 1978 by a narrow margin of only one point.

What practice you call up?

What a pity that Bobby Fischer retired in 1972. We'll never know what actually would have happened and how chess history would take inverse, if he had continued to play. Merely we are free to speculate. How practise you retrieve a Globe Championship Match between Bobby Fischer and Anatoly Karpov or Bobby Fischer and Viktor Kortschnoi would have turned out? It would be prissy if our readers interested in chess history would share their opinions.

More most Bobby Fischer, Anatoly Karpov and Viktor Kortschnoi can be constitute here:

Master Class Vol.1: Bobby Fischer

No other World Champion was more than infamous both within and exterior the chess globe than Bobby Fischer. On this DVD, a team of experts shows you the winning techniques and strategies employed by the 11th World Champion.

Grandmaster Dorian Rogozenco delves into Fischer'south openings, and retraces the development of his repertoire. What variations did Fischer play, and what sources did he employ to arm himself against the best Soviet players? Mihail Marin explains Fischer's item style and his special strategic talent in annotated games against Spassky, Taimanov and other greats. Karsten Müller is non just a leading international endgame expert, simply also a true Fischer connoisseur.

Master Class Vol.6: Anatoly Karpov

On this DVD a team of experts looks closely at the secrets of Karpov'southward games. In more than than seven hours of video, the authors examine iv essential aspects of Karpov's superb play.

My Life for Chess Vol. 1

Victor Kortchnoi, ii-times contender for the world title, is a slice of living chess history. He is known as one of the greatest fighters in the history of chess. On this DVD he speaks about his life and shows his game.

My Life for Chess Vol. two

Volume ii of the memories of Viktor Kortchnoi features about four hours of Kortchnoi live. He speaks about his life and shows his game - and in every minute you lot see and experience his enormous passion for chess.


(a) The post-obit commodity past Frederic Friedel offers a good report of the events surrounding the fateful third game of the 1972 World Title Match: of iceland-45-years-ago-4

(b) These quotes are from the book "Brett vorm Kopf" by Dr. Helmut Pfleger and Gerd Treppner, Munich 1994, p. 245/246.

(c) Kortschnoi also played some games on lath 1 when Karpov paused or didn't want to play with the black pieces, for example against Torre and Timman (cf. Kortschnoj, Ein Leben für das Schach, Dusseldorf 1978, p. 110).


Stephan Oliver Platz Stephan is a passionate collector of chess books and for years he has been successfully playing as an amateur for his German club. The erstwhile musician and comedian works as a freelance journalist and author in Berlin and in the Franconian village Hiltpoltstein.


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